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Table 1 Descriptive statistics for the case study of multicategory outcome prediction: original development data of model M4 (n = 197), the temporal updating data at SGH (n = 1422), and the geographical updating data at QCCH (n = 873)

From: Validation and updating of risk models based on multinomial logistic regression


Original development data (SGH)

n = 197

Temporal updating (SGH)

n = 1422

Geographical updating (QCCH)

n = 873

Age (years)

30 (25–33)

31 (26–35)

32 (27–32)

Initial hCG (IU/L)

265 (76–618)

410 (154–941)

530 (197–1563)

hCG ratio

0.80 (0.33–1.99)

1.04 (0.39–2.10)

0.65 (0.34–1.49)

Initial progesterone (nmol/L)

17 (4–66)

21 (4–61)

9 (3–34)

Outcome, n (%)


109 (55%)

717 (50%)

502 (58%)


76 (39%)

577 (41%)

245 (28%)


12 (6%)

128 (9%)

126 (14%)

  1. Data are expressed as median (interquartile range) or as N (%). In the temporal updating data, progesterone was missing in 47 patients (3.3%), and in the geographical updating data, progesterone was missing in 109 patients (12.5%)
  2. SGH St George’s Hospital, QCCH Queen Charlotte and Chelsea’s Hospital, IUP intra-uterine pregnancy, hCG human chorionic gonadotropin