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Table 2 Searches to identify systematic reviews and potentially eligible trials (MEDLINE via Ovid)

From: Predictors of the effects of treatment for shoulder pain: protocol of an individual participant data meta-analysis

Systematic reviews

Randomised clinical trials

1. exp Shoulder Joint/

1. exp PAIN/

2. shoulder.ti,ab.

2. exp Shoulder Joint/

3. “rotator cuff”.ti,ab.

3. 1 and 2

4. glenohumeral.ti,ab.

4. Shoulder Pain/

5. subacromia$.ti,ab.

5. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome/

6. or/1-6

6. exp Bursitis/

7. Pain/ or pain.ti,ab.

7. rotator cuff/

8. 6 and 7

8. ((shoulder or subacromial or glenohumeral or rotator cuff) adj3 (instability or bursitis or frozen or impingement or tendinitis or tendonitis or pain$ or osteoarthr$ or periarthriti$)).ti,ab.

9. exp Shoulder Pain/

9. “adhesive capsulitis”.ti,ab.

10. “adhesive capsulitis”.ti,ab.

10. or/3-9

11. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome/

11. exp Adrenal Cortex Hormones/

12. or/8-11

12. (steroid or corticosteroid).ti,ab.

13. Meta-Analysis as Topic/

13. 11 or 12

14. meta analy$.tw.

14. inject$.ti,ab.

15. metaanaly$.tw.

15. 13 and 14

16. Meta-Analysis/

16. exp Exercise/ or exp Exercise Therapy/

17. (systematic adj (review$1 or overview$1)).tw.

17. exercise$.ti,ab.

18. exp Review Literature as Topic/

18. 16 or 17

19. OR/13-18

19. exp Musculoskeletal Manipulations/

20. cochrane.ab.

20. (“manual therapy” or manipulation$ or mobilisation$).ti,ab.

21. embase.ab.

21. (chiropract$ or osteopath$).ti,ab.

22. (psychlit or psyclit).ab.

22. 19 or 20 or 21

23. (psychinfo or psycinfo).ab.

23. exp adaptation, psychological/ or exp behavior/ or exp psychology, social/

24. (cinahl or cinhal).ab.

24. (psychosocial or psycholog$).ti,ab.

25. science citation index.ab.

25. behavio$.ti,ab.

26. bids.ab.

26. 23 or 24 or 25

27. cancerlit.ab.

27. (surgery or surgical or operat$).ti,ab.

28. “web of science”.ab.

28. exp orthopedic procedures/ or orthopedics/

29. or/20-28

29. 27 or 28

30. reference list$.ab.

30. (physio$ or physical therap$).ti,ab.

31. bibliograph$.ab.

31. exp Physical Therapy Modalities/

32. hand-search$.ab.

32. 30 or 31

33. relevant journals.ab.

33. 15 or 18 or 22 or 26 or 29 or 32

34. manual search$.ab.

34. 10 and 33

35. or 30-34

35. random$.ti,ab.

36. selection criteria.ab.

36. factorial$.ti,ab.

37. data extraction.ab.

37. crossover$.ti,ab.

38. 36 or 37

38. cross over$.ti,ab.

39. Review/

39. placebo$.ti,ab.

40. 66 and 67

40. (doub$ adj blind$).ti,ab.

41. Comment/

41. (sing$ adj blind$).ti,ab.

42. Letter/

42. assign$.ti,ab.

43. Editorial/

43. allocat$.ti,ab.

44. animal/

44. volunteer$.ti,ab.

45. human/

45. double-blind procedure/

46. 44 not (44 and 45)

46. crossover-procedure/

47. 41 or 42 or 43 or 46

47. randomized controlled trial/

48. 19 or 29 or 35 or 40

48. single-blind procedure/

49. 48 not 47

49. or/35-48

50. 12 and 49

50. 34 and 49