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Table 3 Working example on how to define minimally acceptable criteria (MAC) for diagnostic accuracy

From: Targeted test evaluation: a framework for designing diagnostic accuracy studies with clear study hypotheses

Identify the existing clinical pathway in which the index test will be used

 In children with pharyngitis, about one third of cases are due to bacterial infection with group A Streptococcus (GAS); the remainder are caused by viral infections [15]. Because of overlapping symptoms, the distinction between GAS and viral pharyngitis is clinically difficult. Cohen and colleagues aimed to externally validate existing clinical prediction rules that combine signs and symptoms for diagnosing GAS pharyngitis [16]. The existing clinical pathway is defined as follows:

• Target condition. GAS pharyngitis.

• Targeted patients. Children aged 3–14 years, with a diagnosis of pharyngitis, who have not yet received antibiotics.

• Setting. Private office-based pediatricians.

• Tests in the existing clinical pathway. Existing guidelines are not uniform on the clinical pathway for diagnosing and treating GAS pharyngitis. French guidelines recommend that all patients with pharyngitis undergo rapid antigen detection testing or throat culture to distinguish between GAS and viral pharyngitis [17]. North American guidelines, however, recommend that clinicians select patients for additional testing based on clinical and epidemiologic ground [18]. In clinical practice, children with pharyngitis are often treated with antibiotics without any additional testing [19].

Define the role of the index test in the clinical pathway

 In case of a GAS pharyngitis, clinical guidelines recommend treatment with antibiotics. Misdiagnosis of GAS pharyngitis, however, could lead to unnecessary initiation of antibiotic treatment. Rapid antigen detection testing has a high specificity, but a sensitivity around 86%, which may lead to false-negative results [20]. Throat culture is considered the reference standard for GAS pharyngitis, but it may take up to 48 h before results are available, which causes delays in the initiation of treatment. The aim of clinical decision rules (the index test) is to identify patients at very low or very high risk, in whom additional testing can be safely avoided. In this setting, such a decision rule would serve as triage test.

Define the expected proportion of patients with the target condition

 In establishing MAC for sensitivity and specificity, the authors assumed “a prevalence of group A streptococcal infection of 35%” [16], referring to a meta-analysis on the prevalence of GAS pharyngitis in children [15].

Identify the downstream consequences of test results

 The aim of the study is to identify a clinical decision rule that is able to accurately detect patients at low risk or at high risk of GAS pharyngitis [16]. Patients at low risk will not receive antibiotics, as GAS pharyngitis is ruled out with a sufficiently high level of certainty; patients at high risk will receive antibiotics. No additional testing will be performed in either of these groups. This implies that patients falsely considered at high risk (i.e., false-positive results due to suboptimal specificity) will unnecessarily receive antibiotics with the inherent risk of adverse drug reactions, costs, and antibiotic resistance. Patients falsely considered as at low risk (i.e., false-negative results due to suboptimal sensitivity) will be withheld from adequate treatment with the risk of complications (e.g., retropharyngeal abscess, acute rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease), longer duration of symptoms, and risk of transmission of bacteria to others. Patients at intermediate risk based on the clinical prediction rule (neither at high risk nor at low risk for GAS pharyngitis) would still be selected to undergo additional testing (rapid antigen detection testing or throat culture), and a clinical prediction rule would not affect their clinical outcome.

Weigh the consequences of test misclassifications

 In weighing the consequences of test misclassifications for sensitivity, the authors refer to expert opinion in previous literature: “Clinicians do not want to miss GAS cases that could transmit the bacterium to other individuals and/or lead to complications. […] Several clinical experts consider that diagnostic strategies for sore throat in children should be at least 80–90% sensitive” [16]. They weigh the consequences of test misclassifications for specificity as follows: “Assuming a population of a 100 children with pharyngitis and a GAS prevalence of 35%, a diagnostic strategy with 85% sensitivity would lead to 30 prescriptions for antibiotic therapy for 100 patients. We aim to identify a diagnostic strategy that could reduce the antibiotics consumption (baseline ≥60%). If we set the maximum acceptable antibiotics prescription rate to 40%, then the maximum acceptable number of antibiotics prescribed for GAS-negative patients would be 10 for 65 patients, for a specificity of 85%.”

Define the study hypothesis by setting minimally acceptable criteria (MAC) for sensitivity and specificity

 The authors define MAC for sensitivity and specificity as follows: “After reviewing the literature and discussing until consensus within the review team, and assuming a prevalence of GAS infection of 35% and a maximally acceptable antibiotics prescription rate of 40%, we defined the target zone of accuracy as sensitivity and specificity greater than 85%. For each rules-based selective testing strategy, we used a graphical approach to test whether the one-sided rectangular 95% confidence region for sensitivity and specificity lay entirely within the target zone of accuracy” [16]. This means that the null hypothesis in this study can be defined as:

H0: {Sensitivity < 0.85 and/or Specificity < 0.85}

Perform a sample size calculation

 Since the aim of the study was to externally validate clinical prediction rules in an existing dataset, no sample size calculation was performed, which the authors acknowledge as a limitation in their discussion section: “A further limitation lies in the absence of an a priori sample size calculation. One of the clinical prediction rules met our target zone of accuracy based on the point estimates alone (Attia’s rule), but it was considered insufficient because the boundaries of the confidence intervals for sensitivity and specificity went across the prespecified limits for significance. This could be due to lack of power, and our results should be considered with caution until they are confirmed with a larger sample of patients” [16].

 When using the calculator proposed in Additional file 1, the sample size calculation could have looked as follows. The MAC for sensitivity and specificity was set at 0.85; the authors provided no information on the expected sensitivity and specificity. This can, for example, be based on previous literature or on a pilot study. Assuming an expected sensitivity of 0.92 (with α* = 0.05, and β* = 0.90), 179 participants with the target condition (i.e., GAS infection) need to be included to ensure that the lower limit of the one-sided confidence interval for sensitivity is at least 0.85. Assuming an expected specificity of 0.95, 76 participants without the target condition (i.e., no GAS infection) need to be included to ensure that the lower limit of the one-sided confidence interval for specificity is at least 0.85. Taking into account an expected prevalence of GAS infection of 35% in the investigated population, this means that a total of at least 511 (= 179 × 0.35) participants with suspected GAS pharyngitis need to be included.

Arrive at meaningful conclusions

 In their article, the authors graphically illustrate the performance of the investigated clinical prediction rules in ROC space (Fig. 4) [16]. The graphic shows that for five of the prediction rules, either sensitivity or specificity is outside the “target region”; for one prediction rule, both sensitivity and specificity are within the target zone, but the confidence intervals reach outside, which means that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Based on this, the authors conclude: “On external validation, none of the rules-based selective testing strategies showed sufficient accuracy, and none were able to identify patients at low or high risk whose condition could be managed without microbiologic testing.”