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Table 3 Specification of the primary models for overall survival, locoregional control and freedom from distant metastasis

From: Development and validation of prognostic models for anal cancer outcomes using distributed learning: protocol for the international multi-centre atomCAT2 study

Prognostic factors to be included in the primary models

Overall survival model

Locoregional control model

Freedom from distant metastasis model


N stage: N0 vs N+

Sex: female vs male

N stage: N0 vs N+


T stage: T1–2 vs T3–4

N stage: N0 vs N+

T stage: T1–2 vs T3–4


Sex: female vs Male

T stage: T1–2 vs T3–4

Sex: female vs male


Age: modelled as a continuous, linear factor

Age: modelled as a continuous, linear factor

Age: modelled as a continuous, linear factor


Primary tumour GTV (cm3): modelled as a continuous, log-transformed factor

Primary tumour GTV (cm3): modelled as a continuous, log-transformed factor

Primary tumour GTV (cm3): modelled as a continuous, log-transformed factor


Primary tumour dose (EQD2): modelled as a continuous, linear factor

Primary tumour dose (EQD2): modelled as a continuous, linear factor

Primary tumour dose (EQD2): modelled as a continuous, linear factor


Histology: SCC vs basaloid SCC

Histology: SCC vs basaloid SCC

Histology: SCC vs basaloid SCC


Chemotherapy regimen: [no chemotherapy] vs [mitomycin C-based regimen] vs [cisplatin-based regimen]

Chemotherapy regimen: [no chemotherapy] vs [mitomycin C-based regimen] vs [icsplatin-based regimen];

Chemotherapy regimen: [no chemotherapy] vs [mitomycin C-based regimen] vs [cisplatin-based regimen];


RT technique: [3D-CRT] vs [IMRT] vs [VMAT]

RT technique: 3D-CRT vs IMRT vs VMAT

RT technique: 3D-CRT vs IMRT vs VMAT

  1. N stage nodal stage, T stage tumour stage, GTV Gross tumour volume, EQD2 Equivalent dose in 2 Gy fractions (α/β = 10 Gy), SCC Squamous cell carcinoma, 3D-CRT Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy, IMRT Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, VMAT Volumetric modulated arc therapy