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Table 5 Dissemination activities

From: Study design for development of novel safety biomarkers of drug-induced liver injury by the translational safety biomarker pipeline (TransBioLine) consortium: a study protocol for a nested case–control study

Target audiences

Reached by

Consortium members

Electronic communication, newsletter, meetings (virtual and face-2-face)




Attendance at international conferences or symposia (by networking, poster or oral communications) and using publications

Scientific community (academic and industry)

Attendance at international conferences or symposia (by networking, poster or oral communications) and using publications

Health Policy-makers, Payers, Regulators, Health professionals, Patient Federations

TransBioLine website (, the general media, and articles in specialised journals.

General public including patients

Media and local engagement activities

  1. Headings are in bold
  2. Abbreviations: EFPIA European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, IMI Innovative Medicines Initiative