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Table 2 Characteristics of donor patients in the UK kidney transplant population between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2018

From: An external validation of the Kidney Donor Risk Index in the UK transplant population in the presence of semi-competing events


Mean [SD] or N (%)

Missing (%)

Age, years

49.91 [15.44]

0 (0)

Height, cm

170.29 [10.80]

269 (1.34)

Weight, kg

77.96 [17.77]

130 (0.65)



63 (0.31)


372 (1.86)



222 (1.11)



56 (0.28)



148 (0.74)



160 (0.80)



19,014 (94.90)


History of hypertension


716 (3.57)


5296 (26.43)



14,023 (69.99)


History of diabetes


527 (2.63)


1275 (6.36)



18,233 (91.01)


Cause of death


161 (0.80)


741 (3.70)


 Not CVA

19,133 (95.50)


Creatinine, mg/dl

0.95 [0.60]

1688 (8.43)

HCV test result


63 (0.32)


21 (0.10)



19,951 (99.58)


Donor type


0 (0)


7517 (37.52)



12,518 (62.48)

  1. Numerical summaries of variables used to calculate the Kidney Donor Risk Index, including the number (and percentage) of missing values
  2. CVA cerebrovascular accident, HCV hepatitis C virus, DCD deceased cardiac donor, DBD deceased brain donor