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Table 5 Numerical summary of the performance of the updated Kidney Donor Risk Index for predicting graft failure 1 year and 5 years following transplantation while censoring for death and modelling death as a competing event

From: An external validation of the Kidney Donor Risk Index in the UK transplant population in the presence of semi-competing events


Censoring at the time of death

Accounting for death as a competing event

One-year graft failure

 T-D AUC (optimism)

0.614 (− 0.00015)

0.608 (0.00252)

 Calibration slope (optimism)

1.096 (− 0.00049)

1.068 (0.02812)

 Brier score (optimism)

0.058 (− 0.00004)

0.058 (− 0.00007)

Five-year graft failure

 T-D AUC (optimism)

0.629 (− 0.00019)

0.612 (0.00254)

 Calibration slope (optimism)

1.016 (− 0.00133)

1.002 (0.02911)

 Brier score (optimism)

0.117 (0.00006)

0.114 (− 0.00010)

  1. T-D AUC time-dependent area under receiver operating curve